The End of Buy Low, Sell High.

Build a resilient Investment portfolio today that outperforms the Market.

We unlock higher and more predictable Real Estate Investment returns using a lean industrialized construction system and the Scale(tm) Technology platform

Higher Returns

We have shifted the risk-reward paradigm by prioritizing total cost compression, returning those costs to investors through accelerated project management.

Lower Risk

Clients and their financial partners see, in real time, exactly where each dollar spent on planning and procurement and status of every physical project component. Welcome to Scale(tm) platform.

Investment Certainty

Granular level approvals are possible through lean Industrialized systems strategy at the portfolio company level. We monitor the project performance and enterprise health of homebuilding and technology portfolio companies.

Regulatory Advantages

Our buildings are approved as a system, halving the total schedule. Supply chain limitations, and labor shortages are mitigated using Scale(tm).


"Real estate Investors and managers rely on the expertise and Scale platform deploy more capital, grow pipeline and do so with the most innovative resources in the market



Alternative Investments and Advisory

20M+ invested in startups so far

Are you a startup? Get in touch!


Testimonials for Anthony Gude , Director of Gude Capital Management LP

Joe Patch IV

Anthony is an outstanding professional. He is a unique blend of dedication and diligence. I enjoy his high intensity when it comes to knocking out the work. Perhaps his greatest quality is his willingness to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. I have great respect for his ability to grow and challenge himself.

Allison Meador

Anthony and I had the fortune of connecting through a mutual contact in offsite. A perpetual student, his enthusiasm for continuous improvement is matched only by his humility and desire to serve others. I appreciate Anthony's generosity with industrialized construction knowledge as I continue to learn the technical realm therein, of which he is clearly well versed. Without the kind of passion and altruism that Anthony displays, our industry would not be moving the needle forward at the rate we need it to.

Mike Teri

Anthony is the rare breed of entrepreneurial tactician that so many organizations seek but scarcely find. He perfectly bridges the gap between engineer and executive, enabling him to effectively identify, conceptualize, and communicate opportunity towards stakeholders of all backgrounds/experience levels. His attention to detail and whatever-it-takes mindset, absent of any ego, is inspirational and brings a tangible energy to those who find themselves working alongside him.

Chad Davies

Anthony is a creative leader and an enthusiast of new technologies who is helping to push the AEC industry towards a new era. During his participation in my doctoral research, he fluently gave me a class on the development of modular projects and project management by introducing me to the detailed dynamics of offsite projects and by exposing his innovative ideas on automated information management systems.

Sara Gusmao Brissi, Ph.D

Anthony's ENERGY for real estate and construction is unmatched. Our first encounter was an intellectual delight as we explored various aspects of industrialized construction, globalization, and the future of real estate development in the United States. Our brief coffee meeting turned quickly into an hours-long business lunch that I will never forget. I feel privileged to have met someone so passionate about this industry. His willingness to provide assistance is something we should all aspire to.
Our vision

Our vision is to design and construct remarkable places for living that offer value to our investors, enhance the quality of life of our residents and contribute positively to the social and environmental well-being of the communities where we operate.