The End of Buy Low, Sell High.
Build a resilient Investment portfolio today that outperforms the Market.
We unlock higher and more predictable Real Estate Investment returns using a lean industrialized construction system and the Scale(tm) Technology platform
We have shifted the risk-reward paradigm by prioritizing total cost compression, returning those costs to investors through accelerated project management.
Clients and their financial partners see, in real time, exactly where each dollar spent on planning and procurement and status of every physical project component. Welcome to Scale(tm) platform.
Granular level approvals are possible through lean Industrialized systems strategy at the portfolio company level. We monitor the project performance and enterprise health of homebuilding and technology portfolio companies.
Our buildings are approved as a system, halving the total schedule. Supply chain limitations, and labor shortages are mitigated using Scale(tm).
"Real estate Investors and managers rely on the expertise and Scale platform deploy more capital, grow pipeline and do so with the most innovative resources in the market
Alternative Investments and Advisory
20M+ invested in startups so far
Are you a startup? Get in touch!
Testimonials for Anthony Gude , Director of Gude Capital Management LP
Our vision is to design and construct remarkable places for living that offer value to our investors, enhance the quality of life of our residents and contribute positively to the social and environmental well-being of the communities where we operate.